Friday, October 29, 2010

Grand Opening October 16, 2010

Thank you ALL for making our open house an absolutely amazing event! I cried, I laughed and I cried some more. We had more than 1,500 people in attendance! I truly appreciate all of the work that each of you did for the last 13 years to make this dream a reality. We are already serving more than 300 families and we are making a difference. Many Thanks!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rutter's Donates $50,000 to Leg Up Farm

THANK YOU Rutter's for making a $50,000 contribution to Leg Up Farm. We are so grateful to all of the Rutter's employees for making this genreous gift possible. Rutter’s donation is earmarked for an interactive therapy space called Matthew’s Town. Upon entering Matthew’s Town, children will be magically transported into a safe, realistic, sensory-enriched environment…complete with shops, sidewalks and a large grassy area. This interactive play space will be used to engage children in activities that support achieving their therapeutic and educational goals. If you are interested in exploring creative ways for your business brand to be represented in Matthew's Town, please call Leg Up Farm.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

We Need Your HELP to WIN $250,000!!!

We need your help to win a $250,000 grant for Leg Up Farm to build the “Rainbow Gardens”. We CAN make this happen together!

Pepsi has up to $1.3 million in Refresh Grants each month and each time a person votes, they help decide which projects receive funding. Leg Up Farm's application made it through Pepsi's judges and was posted on October 1st. We now have 31 days to win the popular vote in the $250,000 category and even though this is a national contest we aren't up against that many organizations.

This is a grass roots, marathon race where the organization who keeps everyone engaged everyday will win the money. I need you to share this on facebook & twitter plus email your friends & family. Ask them to vote everyday in October!

The easiest way to vote seems to be by texting 103318 to phone number 73774.

You can also vote online and see our application at:

The “Rainbow Gardens” are 24 different gardens all designed to provide fresh-air opportunities to children while providing visual and sensory stimulation, walking paths and increased education about the environment. Our entry had to make it past a team of Pepsi judges in order to qualify and the winners will be chosen by popular vote.

We are only up against a limited number of grant applications, so the organization that rallies everyone will win the money in 30 days. Yes…30 days and we may not have this opportunity again!

Your vote counts and will change a child's life. Thank you!